Primary Care Pessimism

The Nine Forces Converging On Primary Care: #5 Pessimism Numbs Progress

In a series of nine blogs, we’ve been looking at the Perfect Storm and its metaphoric counterpart in primary care medicine. A lack of optimism about the future is one of the forces bearing down on the field and here’s evidence:

The Physicians Foundation, a non-profit organization that “seeks to advance the work of the practicing physician” recently conducted one of the most comprehensive physician surveys ever carried out. The survey reached over 630,000 doctors selected from the nation’s largest physician database.

The study was developed to reveal, among other areas of clinician response, current morale levels, perspectives on health care reform, practice patterns, career plans and issues impacting patient care. What it indicated, is that the malaise I have personally experienced and described in The Familiar Physician: Saving Your Family Doctor in the Era of Obamacare, is impacting many other doctors within the profession.

Over three quarters of the doctors surveyed revealed themselves to be somewhat or very pessimistic about the future of the medical profession, and over 80 percent agree it’s in decline. Keep in mind this included physicians at all stages in their careers, not just older doctors looking back on “the good old days” and bemoaning the loss.

A distinct majority would not recommend medicine as a career. Over a third would not personally choose medicine again for their own career. Over 60 percent of physicians would retire today if they could.

While uninsured patients may be applauding the provisions of the ACA that hold the potential for improved access, the physician community has some concerns.

Physicians know only too well that the improved access in general and optimal outcomes in particular will be complicated for many people by the fact that they haven’t had a regular doctor for years. In the past, many of these individuals countered a lack of health insurance by going to emergency rooms for care, paying cash or nothing at all and ignoring all but the direst of symptoms. Now, they may be postponing any type of treatment in anticipation of finally being covered.  As a result, medical problems will be more complex and expensive.

For many practitioners the surge of more and sicker patients threatens to overwhelm an already fragile practice within a damaged and disillusioned primary medicine community. At the same time it drains the time, energy and creativity that could otherwise be directed toward care delivery innovation.

The inability to find solutions, brought on by the sheer weight and number of the problems is part of the reality that led so many current doctors in the Physicians Foundation survey to express their strong pessimism. And it’s what’s influencing growing numbers of medical students and residents to vote with their feet when it comes to choosing a career in primary care.

A large part of the prescription drug expenditures are related to increased utilization. But overall costs are increasing nonetheless.

The Nine Forces Converging On Primary Care: #4 The Pharmaceutical Revolution

Throughout the history of medicine and particularly in the past two decades, innovative drug treatments offer a remarkable record of improved health outcomes and quality of life. At the same time, however, prescription drug expenditures are a significant component of total health care expenditures. In fairness, a large part of the expenditures are related to increased utilization. But overall costs are increasing nonetheless. These increases, coupled with higher co-pays and other forms of increased cost sharing on the part of patients, are associated with decreased adherence to treatment regimens and even the discontinuation of needed medications.

For the primary care physician, poor compliance (or adverse reactions even when compliance is perfect) can mean additional office visits, often paid through a reduced Medicare reimbursement.  So for that already overburdened practitioner the cycle continues.

A recent article in Medical News Today estimates that the number of drug prescriptions written each year in America comes out to the nice round number of four billion, roughly 13 prescriptions for every American.

Digging a little deeper, the administration of prescriptions goes far beyond the act of simply writing the script and handing it to a patient. A systematic approach advocated by the World Health Organization illustrates just how detailed and complicated the process has become. Their eight-step approach checklist includes:

  • Evaluate and clearly define the patient’s problem

  • Specify the therapeutic objective

  • Select the appropriate drug therapy

  • Initiate therapy with appropriate details and consider non-pharmacologic therapies

  • Give information, instructions, and warnings

  • Evaluate therapy regularly (e.g. monitor treatment results, consider discontinuation of the drug)

  • Consider drug cost when prescribing

  • Use an electronic medical record or other computer-based tools to reduce prescribing errors

With only very minor exception the pharmaceutical revolution, has benefited all of us through its ability to provide some of the greatest medical innovations with regard to better health over longer lifetimes.

But when administering prescriptions and managing related care become so labor intensive, and when keeping up on the expanding literature associated with these new pharmaceuticals proves to be a separate skill set, there’s no question that the continuing expansion of pharmaceutical options creates a major strain on the primary care physician’s ability to effectively treat growing numbers of patients.

Growing numbers of primary care physicians across America are struggling to make the business end of their practice work.

The Nine Forces Converging On Primary Care: #3 Longer Workdays, Reduced Reimbursement and Failing Practices

In The Familiar Physician: Saving Your Doctor in the Era of Obamacare, I wrote that the looming possibility of financial failure changes everything. At the very least it focuses your attention. I was referring to my own experience at a particular point in my Family Medicine practice, but from what I read and hear directly, growing numbers of primary care physicians across America are struggling to make the business end of their practice work. That objective becomes even more important in light of the fact that many of them have already given up on the ability to fully enjoy their personal lives and families, take vacations and carry out a normal workday schedule.

Office staffs are harried and swamped with electronic documentation requirements, records, insurance forms, referrals, appointments, daily urgent call-ins, scheduling tests then reporting results, answering their correspondence – and patient care in the midst of all of it – that they barely have time to take a deep breath.

The cuts to physician payments are a steady sound from Washington and it is particularly difficult for physicians to continue seeing a growing rise in Medicare beneficiaries, especially in small or solo practices, with the constant threat of reimbursement reductions of 25% or more.

These financial difficulties coincide with a time in which as a nation, we are leaning hard on primary care medicine as a field and primary care doctors as a group to help guide us across a different health care landscape. In a dysfunctional payment system based on volume rather than value, many primary care practices have neither the incentive nor the time to follow up on patients the way they would like to or to provide more comprehensive medical management, especially when chronic conditions are involved.

Resources for management and overall care coordination are especially strained when older patients are seen by several different specialists.

When I was in active practice I worried about how I would be able to survive financially.  But most of all, I worried about the patients.  I still do.

Physicians & The Rise in Baby Boomers

The Nine Forces Converging On Primary Care: #2 The Baby Boomer Tsunami

On the subject of the Perfect Storm and its metaphoric equivalent that threatens primary care medicine, I wanted to offer the second convergence in a series of nine. And wherever you stand on health reform, there’s no arguing with demographics. Every day in America 10,000 people turn 65. It’s like in just one month, a city the size of Toledo suddenly appears and everyone’s on Medicare.

Add another week and you’ve got a Pittsburgh full of aging Baby Boomers. In four months you’re looking at enough 65-year-olds to fill Dallas. You get the picture.  There are quite a few older adults coming down the road and it’s a road leading straight to the PCP’s office where they’re going to be playing musical chairs with all those newly insured people we met in the last blog.

“Baby Boomers”, and I count myself in their number, are people born between 1946 and 1964. Studies show that the majority of them have at least one chronic illness, and will likely have more as they continue to age. As I discussed in The Familiar Physician: Saving Your Doctor in the Era of Obamacare, managing multiple chronic illnesses takes time and can be costly.

As I referenced in The Familiar Physician: Saving Your Doctor in the Era of Obamacare, the problem is that on average, physicians earn 20% to 30% less from Medicare than they do from private patients. As a result, many doctors are dropping out of the program. In the area of primary medicine, it’s estimated that around 90% of physicians still participate in Medicare. A smaller percentage, however, are accepting new patients so the trend is not good, and it’s likely to get worse.

Along with all those new 65-year-olds, there are quite a few even older Americans around.  In fact, the 85 and over age group is one of the fastest growing among the general population. In 1996 there were about 4 million people in the U.S. over 85 years old. Four years later the number increased to 6.7 million adults over 85 and by 2040 13 million are projected.

This trajectory itself isn’t catastrophic since the rise will be relatively gradual and steady. What may add severe stress to the system, however, are the breakthroughs predicted in genomic science and regenerative medicine that are expected to make significant inroads against cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke within the next several decades.

With this increased life expectancy we can only hope that other age-related afflictions, including Alzheimer’s disease, which is predicted to double by mid century, will also be reduced through research breakthroughs and biomedical and technological innovation.

Whatever the future holds in this area, the one thing we can be virtually certain about is that there will be more aging Americans, more chronic conditions, and possibly fewer – but definitely more stressed – primary care physicians.

The ACA hasn’t created the primary care crisis in America, but it will reveal the fractures in the current system.

The Nine Forces Converging On Primary Care: #1 The Affordable Care Act

In the last blog we looked at the Perfect Storm and its metaphoric counterpart, the forces that loom on the near horizon and threaten the current viability and future hope of primary care medicine. The first is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act usually shortened to “the ACA” and more commonly called, by opponents and supporters alike, Obamacare. The ACA hasn’t created the primary care crisis in America, but it will reveal the fractures in the current system and contribute to the pressures already directed to the PCP unless it can effectively re-engineer how we care for patients in the exam room.

We’re still in a short holding pattern on exactly what to expect, but we do know that large numbers of newly insured people, estimates range to 30 million plus, will be presenting themselves to primary care doctors. As waiting rooms fill up, many doctors will not be in a position to accept new patients.  As I discussed in The Familiar Physician: Saving Your Doctor in the Era of Obamacare, the Massachusetts experience, probably the closest model we have for comparison, doesn’t offer a lot of hope in that area.

My colleague, Paul Grundy, MD is frank about the broken payment system in America and its affect on the people it’s meant to serve. “The rewards system in health care is so convoluted that people become opportunities to make money. Somewhere in all that we lose the humanity.”

Regardless of your stand on reform (and I still find myself on both sides of specific ACA provisions) the fact is that the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of most of the reform legislation.  So if you’re waiting on the health train, that one has left the station.

Based on discussions with colleagues I am not alone in my contention that the success of reform and its role in improved health care delivery depend on a robust and expanding primary care workforce. I believe further that reform will be at its most effective if it helps strengthen the doctor-patient relationship as a powerful, quality-producing, cost effective force in medicine. In the meantime I ask people to “imagine health care without the Familiar Physician. “Every time you’re sick, you’re a stranger, enduring long waits for someone to help solve your problem … someone who may have never seen you before.”

Between 2010 and 2011, the number of insured Americans grew by just 3.6 million people, an increase of less than 1.5 percent that was easy to absorb into the existing system.  However, the instantaneous 15-percent increase in the number of insured Americans will shock a system accustomed to much slower growth. The potential for serious gridlock is clear.

So here’s what we’re left with: the ACA, which can be a positive force in improving access to coverage and, ultimately, to care, also carries within it the potential to crush the primary care system unless we make appropriate changes … and quickly.

Accountable Care Organization (ACO)

What Is An ACO?

One third of the healthcare dollar, in the United States, is spent on the last 6 months of a person’s life and that’s because our system revolves around sickness, rather than wellness. Due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the end result is that sickness will no longer bring in more money!

Who can argue that shifting our healthcare system from incentivizing sickness to wellness is wrong?

We’ve been spending some time explaining how Triple Aim is going to be accomplished under the ACA. Let’s refresh…

The three goals of Triple Aim are:

  1. Improve quality of care

  2. Improve health for populations

  3. Reduce costs

Created by the ACA, an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a collection of healthcare providers linked together legally, financially, and clinically, who take a shared responsibility for delivering care to a 5,000 person patient population.

ACOs are paid directly from the government through the new payment system called “bundled payment.” Pretty soon we will see that if a patient becomes sick and uses more services than expected, they will more than likely come close to their “cap”, or amount allotted for that disease entity, or exceed it.

There are no limitations to the kinds of providers who can participate in ACOs – hospitals, emergency rooms, home health, hospice, nursing homes, urgent care centers, primary care, specialists, etc.; basically anyone who has a healthcare service can be in this provider organization. It will be up to each individual ACO administration as to who can be a part of their organization.

There is absolutely no patient reform in the ACA. A patient can go to any provider they choose, anytime the want and as frequently as they see fit. This is acceptable to patients, but has created a real vulnerability for the ACOs.

When a patient is signed up under an ACO, they are not obligated to seek services from only the providers within their particular organization. This is the Achilles heel of ACOs; providers are no longer only responsible for their patients that walk through their office doors, but also those that don’t. This is a huge change in healthcare provider’s thinking.

Just yesterday, nine Pioneer ACOs admitted to failure because of their inability to control a patient’s activity outside the ACO network.

By definition, ACOs are entirely responsible for the health of their assigned population of patients. To not manage the health of their population efficiently makes the ACA vulnerable and the efforts of the Triple Aim null.

It will be a combination of building the structure for these providers to work together, under an ACO, as well as aligning finances with quality, under the bundled payment system that we will experience a restructuring of our healthcare system.

We will continue our conversation about ACOs tomorrow.

Primary Care Team

To Avert The Crisis, Fix The Inefficiency

Aging baby boomers and an increased number of newly insured patients are only a couple of stressors primary care physicians are being faced with today. The need to improve America’s healthcare delivery model in primary care offices is staggering. By 2015, the expected physician shortage may be close to 35,000 primary care physicians.

Many have argued the way to fix the physician shortage is to elevate the role of mid-levels to replace physicians.

The American Medical Association supports the idea of physician-led teams. It is within these teams that nurse practitioners would serve the greatest purpose. The American Academy of Family Physicians published a whitepaper that described a model where 3-4 nurse practitioners would operate on a team alongside a physician.

The way I see it, and being a primary care physician once myself, physicians spend at least 50% of their time doing non-physician work. This was a large source of my frustration because it caused me to turn away some of my patients who wanted to see me.

One of my primary care physician friends told me about how he frequently spent time cutting out forms and taping them together fora mail order prescription company. It makes me cringe to think about him doing a task, such as this, when there are plenty of patients begging for his time.

Physicians can easily lose 30-45 minutes per day doing non-physician work. The real key to fixing the primary care office is to train staff to do all non-physician work. Physicians need to be able to focus on the things that they went to medical school to do. If someone else in the office can do it, then physicians shouldn’t. This is a rule of thumb that I adopted in my office and the results were astronomical.

Fixing this inefficiency should be our first focus before we begin building a team around physicians. Adding nurse practitioners to the same, old and inefficient model is not the answer. If  we are able to fix this inefficiency and expand the panel of physicians by 20-40%, we have the chance of wiping out primary care’s physician shortage almost entirely.

Between 2014 and 2016, the Congressional Budget Office is projecting 35 million individuals as being newly insured. Therefore, primary care physicians have to fix this inefficiency to avert the coming crisis.

Decreases in physician productivity is a growing issue. Recent studies report that 3 out of 5 patients feel as though their doctor is rushing through the exam.

News Flash Physicians! Cutting Corners Won’t Improve Your Productivity

With the impending Affordable Care Act (ACA) on the horizon, primary care physicians are just waiting for their fate – will they thrive or will they be crushed? The demand of our culture, along with the ACA, is shifting healthcare responsibilities to primary care. It’s inevitable, in order to meet the needs of our culture, primary care physicians have to see more patients. In order to do so, we are going to have to learn to become more efficient, and fast.

A poll conducted by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Harvard School of Public Health reports that 3 out of 5 patients feel as though their doctor is rushing through the exam. This is one way to cut corners.

Some physicians are responding to this shift by increasing their productivity, without much thought or planning. This is reckless and will lead to dissatisfied patients.

I asked 100 physicians in D.C. if they had to cut corners in order to see more patients. Do you know that all, but 1 said they did?!

Larry Shore, a physician in San Francisco says, “When you have that pressure to see three, four, maybe five patients an hour, you can’t wait for the exposition of the patient’s story. Which is exactly what you should do. But you can’t.” Combine this reality with the fact that the number one need of a person is to be heard, the inevitable result is very poor patient satisfaction.

I will argue that cramming our schedule to see more patients will not satisfy our cultures need for quality healthcare. Patients want to be heard and they want to feel as though their doctor cares about their health.

When you choose to stop cutting corners, you will experience a sense of confidence and pride in the quality of care you are providing your patients. Furthermore, you will begin to enjoy practicing medicine again because you are meeting your patient’s needs and no longer going through the motions of providing healthcare to meet quotas. You can go to bed at night knowing that the quality of care you are providing is improving healthcare in America, as a whole.

Emergency Room Effects on Accessibility

Emergency Rooms: Primary Care’s Substitute For Accessibility

Providing access to quality care outside of the emergency room, like primary care offices, will lead to more cost efficient treatment, unless it is a true emergency. Our culture has grown to accept emergency rooms as a safety net and source of convenience for all healthcare. Unfortunately, primary care providers have added to this problem because of their inability to see patients when they need or want to be seen. Often times, they rely on emergency rooms to evaluate their patients after hours and admit patients with significant medical illnesses.

Did you know?

  • Emergency room physicians make up only 4% of all physicians in the United States

  • 28% of all acute care is handled in emergency rooms

  • 50% of all acute care management to Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries are handled in emergency rooms

  • 66% of all acute care treatment to the uninsured is handled in emergency rooms

It has always been understood that Medicare, Medicaid and the uninsured populations use emergency rooms far more than the privately insured population. However, a study conducted by Truven Health Analytics found that more than 70% of visits by insured individuals, to the emergency room, were for non-emergency medical issues.

The crippling cost of waste

One of my patients suffered from shortness of breath due to anxiety. There were times when I would work with her over the phone because she did not have insurance; I didn’t feel the need to bring her into the office if it was not absolutely necessary.

On an evening that I was off, she called the doctor-on-call, who sent her to the emergency room for shortness of breath. What would have been a $100 visit, ended up costing her $12,000 in the emergency room.

The inappropriate use of the emergency room has become a major source of our healthcare system’s waste. Money is being spent unnecessarily and crippling the economics of both businesses and households. It’s also lack continuity and overwhelmingly more expensive.

If anyone is to blame, it’s primary care

Patients willingly choose to go to the emergency room because it’s accessible all the time, even though, most times, they would rather see their primary care provider. The need to recreate primary care for cost control is critical if we ever expect to decrease the cost of healthcare as a whole.

Accountability and Patient Engagement

Accountability Vital For Patient Engagement

Accountability empowers patients to be the decision maker for their health. It also allows their doctor to guide them toward the path of improved health outcomes. Nevertheless, in order to be held accountable for something, individuals must be engaged in an established relationship. Insurance companies frequently call patients about their health – diabetes, weight, blood pressure, A1C, etc. Their intentions are explicitly to collect information; however, patients are disturbed and upset by the telephone call.

The following are some of the patients’ reactions, “Why does the insurance company want to know this?,” “Are they trying to save money, by writing me out of their insurance?” and “Are they trying to charge me more?” Patients simply cannot understand the real purpose of the call.

You see, this is exactly why relationships are the foundation for engagement – it makes all the difference. Since the patient did not personally know the insurance person calling, there is an immediate distrust and they are hesitant to freely provide any information.

On the contrary, I have seen patients respond completely different to the same set of questions asked by someone from their doctor’s office. A call from someone they know is always received better.

When dealing with someone who is familiar and trusted, patients are transparent about their struggles and concerns; they ask questions openly and provide information that is helpful for understanding their conditions. Not only this, but they promise to make changes so they can report improved results the next time we call. Therein lies the key to accountability.

Maintaining a relationship with our patients holds them accountable for taking care of themselves. We set the tone for enabling a patient to be an active participant in their overall health. In this example, a call from our office motivates them to want to do better. Over time, they understand that we are invested in their health and they put forth the effort to invest in it as well. That’s invaluable to achieve the outcomes that we need to help our patients be healthier.

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Team Care Medicine, LLC
P.O. Box 1743
Yorktown, VA 23692
Phone: 757-812-9279

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